Scaling and Root Planing - Traverse City | Cadillac, MI
Early Detection of
Periodontal Disease Is Vital
A Silent Killer of Teeth and Bone
Unfortunately, you cannot always see or feel periodontal disease, and because of this many people wait far too long before seeking a diagnosis. In the presence of this advanced gum disease, bacteria overtake your mouth and destroy your soft tissue and bone, which leads to devastating tooth and bone loss.

When gum disease moves past the reversible stage of gingivitis, it progresses into periodontitis. Periodontitis occurs when the supporting fibers and bone surrounding your teeth are irreversibly damaged. Deep hollow areas around your teeth start to form and hold a build-up of bacteria. These hollow areas are called “pockets.” You cannot clean these pockets on your own. They only grow bigger, destroying more of your bone and causing gum recession and gaps in your teeth. At this stage you must come see a periodontist such as Dr. Joseph Amalfitano immediately to receive treatment and prevent further damage.
If you have been recently diagnosed with periodontal disease, do not lose hope. Early detection and treatment are key in preventing further tooth and bone loss.

Scaling and Root Planing
Dr. Amalfitano can treat your periodontal disease and stop its progression with a simple nonsurgical treatment called scaling and root planing. This procedure works best when gum disease is caught early and is designed to control the disease and reduce pocket depths by up to 2 to 3 millimeters.

The Procedure
Scaling and root planing involves a thorough cleaning above and below the gum line to remove all of the plaque and tarter. The roots of your teeth are smoothed to encourage your gum tissue to heal and reattach to your gums. Dr. Amalfitano may also use antibiotics, irrigate your gums with antimicrobials, and adjust your bite to control the growth of bacteria, reduce pocket depths, and promote healing of your gums.
Dr. Amalfitano has proudly served his patients as a periodontist in Traverse City, MI, for 20 years. To find out more about your options for treating periodontal disease, please call our office today to schedule your appointment. We look forward to speaking with you.